


What are some of your interests and hobbies?

Singing, working-out, running, walking, photography, design, and baking. Pinning ideas on Pinterest for an aesthetically pleasing home, specifically the kitchen. 

What is a fun fact about yourself?

I hate geese.

What is your favorite thing about your job?

I love the atmosphere. The honesty and genuineness of the company. It truly is the best place to work. There are so many opportunities in this company and I’ve had the privilege to be apart of many different aspects of it.

What is your favorite quote?

“My desire is not to be more certain of You but to be more stable in You” -Augustine 

What is your favorite drink and food?

Drink: Green Tea

Food: Avocados + Ice Cream + Roasted Brussel Sprouts (sorry I could not pick one)

What is your favorite season?


What is something on your bucket list?

To go to Amsterdam and Prague. To make the perfect vegan white chocolate raspberry scone. To have my own photography business.